
Thursday, December 29, 2022



Driven by Japan's Fukushima disaster, on Thursday June 30th, 2011, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced her intention to en Germany's use of nuclear energy by 2022 and reach the age of renewable energy fast as possible. 

President Barack Obama remains silent in matter of promoting new nuclear plants in the USA but has decided to retire all older nuclear reactors and to spend massively on more expensive alternatives energy sources.

The Italian's have given a resounding 94% votes against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi push for approval of Italy's restart of nuclear power since the 1980s.

French President Nicolas Sarkosy has decided to devote one billion Euros in fourth generation nuclear technology designed to be incapable of melting down, produces less waste and more clean energy.

My question is: Isn't there a People's elected representative manly enough to take a stand and question the SAFETY of French St-Martin nuclear plant in Galisbay? that is a potential dangerous threat not only to French St-Martin but to the entire Northern Caribbean Islands?

Who are the owners of this nuclear Plant? What safety and financial guaranty are they in position to offer to the endangered population?

By all scientific prediction it is a surety that the Caribbean chain will be struck by a Tsunami. the only unknown is the exact date.

To where will we be able to run in the repeat of a Fukushima disaster in Galisbay? Who will pay the cost of our eventual evacuation, evacuation of the entire Northern Caribbean?

On july 4th, 2011, I published the above post on my blog “The elder”, due to sabotage, today on my blog all that comes up is a blanc page.

Subsequently, I had denounced on Facebook to non-respect by EDF on article R. 333-10 to R.333-15 relating to its obligation to indicate on its clients electricity invoices the different energy sources contributing to their electricity consumption.

The response from practically all, was that I was but a lunatic troublemaker.

Anyhow, on EDF e-mail notification of my ready-invoice from December 2021 to November 2022, the four last notifications, I read: Energy source: Nuclear 74,5% - Renewable 17,1% - Coal 0,3% - gaz 7,7% - Fioul 0,4%.

Yet this information is not given on none of the invoices addressed through Post Office mail.

By a strange coincidence, my electricity consumption have been multiplied by three on the same last four invoices calculated by EDF estimation because by an other strange coincidence my electricity meter in marking “ 0 KWH – INDEX INACTIF”.

If that's the price to pay for demanding that the people environment rights be respected, for me that is rather cheap.
We have a nuclear reactor operating next to the production and storage of drinking water distributed to the public.
For this reason, as a responsible citizen, I here renew my demands to all concerned authorities local and State level, that the people be informed regularly on:


  • The rate of radio-activity in the zone concerned by this nuclear reactor

  • The rate of radio-activity in the drinking water produced within the same complex

  • The stoking and disposal of the nuclear waste resulting from the operation of this nuclear reactor

  • The security guarantee against natural disaster hazards such as tsunamy

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