“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves” (Romans 15:1)
It is unacceptable that a society phenomenon as homosexuality that concerns 30% of the world's population counting a population of homosexuals divided in 12% of accidentals and potentials and 18% of actuals, be put under taboo or treated in a simplistic manner by Christian's Churches.
Before we simplistically condemn homosexuality to a “Sin” worthy of our hatred, unworthy of a pedagogic approach, unworthy of other look, unworthy of compassion, unworthy to visit our island, we should at the very least be knowledgeable of its roots and causes.
A great number of young people commit suicide every day and all over the world because of their erotic deviation and the hatred of others their simply nature generates.
A true Christian approach can save the life of the despaired. Instead of prohibiting homosexuals in their lifestyle from the view of our local society, a godly approach should rather be to seek knowledge on the possible roots and causes of the phenomenon and give proof of our godly love and compassion for all of God's creations even those in their infirmity.
Seeing homosexuality as an inversion of human nature is one thing, to condemn it as a “Sin” is another thing that should force us to question our Christian duty: To judge or to enlighten, to show compassion or to be an accomplice of the already popular trend of hatred against those that appear to differentiate from our norms.
“To judge others is to judge ourselves”(Shakespeare). God is the only judge of man's soul. Let him do his job and let us do ours, that is love our neighbors.
Sexology, in spite of all the recent human tragedies related to sexual anomalies, yet remains hypocritically a taboo subject in Christian's Churches. As a matter of fact, erotic impulses when not judged to be a “Sin”, is more considered to be copied from animal nature than being an integral part of human nature.
Without the least of doubt in the good will of the Pastors of the Christian's Churches of St-Martin/St-Maarten, or in my sincere appreciation and respect for their dedication to a job as overwhelming as the preaching of God's love and faith to the world, my spirit tells me that it is my duty to give my light wherever my belief tells me my enlighten should be.
If no one does, pastors will find themselves retreated in the unpleasantness of self-indulgence.
I'm really bothered by their approach at Government level against the ills to local society they claim will result from a visit of a All-Gay cruise ship to St-Maarten. Our local society can be at times very weak but not vulnerable that easily.
As much as I believe that Churches can and should play a contributive role in the condition of society life and hold a suggestive relationship with temporal leaders, as much I deplore the media coverage given to Churches pointing out their differentiation with specific persons and their recommending to Parliamentarians to legislate on ethics norms or conduct code for visitors.
Such talks, should if should be, should benefit of the rights to secrecy because of their suggestive impact on weak minds.
On the other hand their initiative and arguments justifying a recourse at Government level seems to me quite out of touch with the reality of the true ills affecting society life in St-Martin/St-Maarten and the true nature of homosexuality. I'm seeing an inversion of mission. Christian Churches because of their proximity role, have more direct guidance means over individuals than the Government.
My first remark is that: Conduct in conformity to society norms is an individual inward process, therefore, cannot be accurately impose from the outside even if there is a legal code of conduct, at the very least not in a democratic country attached to human universal rights.
Respect or deviation from society norms is an individually free will decision that cannot be imposed. Just like in spite of the Bible, Christian's ethics can be followed or defaulted within Christian's Churches. The pastor can only teach or preach the Bible's content but the People's decision, degree of acceptance or rejection, is an inward process of which outcome is characteristic to each individual.
Human conduct is not an overnight affairs. Individuals character is molded by numerous factors surrounding their growth from childhood to adult age, such as socio-cultured environment, behaviors within family and outside influence, education, relation, the economy, living standards etc,
My second remark is in two fundamental questions? :
Is homosexuality a free will choice, a pick up fantasy of a woman or a man pushed by exterior causes, circumstances or whatsoever?
Or is homosexuality a bio-psychologic reality? meaning a human nature inversion with biologic and psychopathologic roots.
Certain statistics assert that 30% of the world population are homosexuals of which 12% answering to the first question and 18% to 20% corresponding to the second question.
In tuesday, March 8th, 2011, Pastors of St-Maarten United Ministerial Foundation and St-Maarten/St-Martin Christian Council Foundation meting with a Parliamentarians of Country St-Maarten concerning the planned visit of an all-gay cruise ship to St-Maaten on April 1st.
The pastors declared that they are not against homosexuals as people, but against the sin they commit, and are against gay-bashing.
One Pastor Added: “The Churches were following the rule of God by loving the sinner, but hating the sin. As a Christian nation we love you (Homosexual) but we don't love your lifestyle. The Church like Jesus Christ, loved homosexuals, lesbians, murderers, and fornicators, but not the sins”
And another added: “The gay cruise would be an 'avalanche” of gay people on the Island. If St-Maarten doesn't stop this inflow, probably 15 years down the line the island will have to expand its prisons and hospitals because of the gay people”.
Concerning theses declarations:
My first remark is: Is there any sense in telling someone : “I love you but I hate Who you are”?. I am who I am, If you take away from me “Who I am” what remains is not “Me” but a simulation of yourself.
I believe that in this event, our knowledge and faith in God's love have been put to the test. God always puts us to his test, and we have once more failed. God's love in us is proven in our differentiation one from another and not in our simulation one to another.
My second remark is that from my understanding from the Gospel on which the Christian Church is build, God's kingdom is in the heart of man and not in the laws. God in his judgement gives priority to man's hearth over his nature inversions or his circumstantial acts.
God's assigned mission, through his Son Jesus Christ, to Christian's Churches is to spread God's love to the world and surely not to decide on the fate of others sin, to judge and condemn the sinner.
A Christian pastor is not God nor Jesus Christ and should never pretend to have the ability to act in their likeness. Even Jesus Christ in his double nature, Human and divine, had restrained from acting in the likeness of God.
What is righteous for God to do can be unrighteous if committed by man, pastors or priests. God can Hate, God can curse, God can put to death but he forbid us from all these things and commands us to love and only to love one an other.
Knowledge of the true reality of human nature should never be overlooked in the preaching God's love to the world nor confounded with the divine nature of God and Jesus Christ.
God created the “Good” and the “Evil” (Genesis. 2:9) as part of his plan and purpose for mankind. The “Normal man and woman” and the “abnormal man and woman” are all God's creations.
We must be aware of the fact that seeing through our eyes of the flesh certain inversions taking by human nature, yet God's creations, does not means that it is not a part of God's divine purpose in the fulfillment of his plans. God's works are often beyond human concept or reason. For this reason he forbid us from judging others.
Human nature view of things and God's divine works are of two different standards and we should never confound our views with God's purpose.
When The Christian Church trespass on God's reserved secrets, taking as example our initiative to decide on the fate to reserve for homosexual “Sin”, we are mistakenly stepping out of our fundamental Christian's ethics, that is to “Love one another” and unconsciously become suggestive of fanaticism, hatred, bully, suicide, totemism, in short of all that is contrary to Jesus Christ command: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35).
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the founder of psychoanalysis science, declared in his autobiography how the bisexuality theory of his comrade Wilhelm Fliess provided a logical answer for two of the most powerful elements in the psyche, in particular regarding his homosexual patients: Repression and resistance were to be likely originated out of a conflict between masculine and feminine tendencies.
Quote Wilhelm Fliess bisexuality theory: “ There was no such thing as a “pure 100% male” or a “Pure 100% female”. Every human being had within him the elements of both sexes, both physically and psychologically.”
He did not established a mathematic table of the ratio of male to female in any individual man or the ratio of female to male in any one woman but agreed that the norm is about 70% to 80% of the male in the male and female in the female.
“Any sharp rise above this level would be abnormal and dangerous; it would create too much male or too much female, the monsters of the earth who have such a need to demonstrate their maleness that they strut, fight, pluner, destroy or their femaleness in that they must preen,cajole, deceive, seduce.
Any deviation below the 70% could be harmful for the opposite reasons: The male lost his “Manhood”, began slipping into feminine forms, of appearance, of speech, of mannerism; became soft, indirect, even simpering.
The female moving down the equation scale became hard, rough-voiced, harsh of feature and body, masculine in her walk, taste, attitude, pleasures. All human beings are physically and psychologically hermaphrodites 2/3 male male and 1/3 female or vice versa.”
This discovery should be less a surprise for believers in the Bible, knowing that by creation woman was made from man.
In Genesis 22:22-23 “ Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he bought her to the man.
The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of a man.”
Homosexuality can be defined as a perversion related to human sexual activity, more explicitly, sexual excitement or desire between individuals of same sex. In the sense that the erotic attraction to same sex is exclusive or predominant, because it's a known fact that all transitions remain possible with normal erotic impulse.
Homosexuals are generally divided into two categories:
1. Individuals with a normal sexual life, their inversion is of exterior causes, generally attracted by curiosity or influenced by the ambiance or by circumstances, They may be seen as Heterosexuals. Some analysts Call them accidental homosexuals.They represent about 12% of the world's population.
2. Individuals whose inversion constitute a bio-psychologic reality, of which cause can only be elucidated by an analytic exam and if possible treated by therapeutic means. It is considered to
be caused by a special and sometimes partially modification of the sexuality bio-psychologic system.
This modification can remain latent. The homosexual clear intuition of his erotic inclination can be indefinitely restrained by the psycho-biologic system that serves as an inhibitor of instinctive tendencies, possible for the lack of liberty, maturity or sexual experience.
This category can be divided in two under groups: The “Potentials” and the “Actuals”. They are estimated between 18 and 20% of the w0rld's population. The “Potentials” are those with the full constitution that defines a homosexual, but only in tendency not in real acts.
It appears that while the population in this category may remain unchanged, what really variates is the number passing from the state of potentials to the state of actual Homosexuals depending ethnic, the cultural and social context.
In general most homosexuals in their physical appearance as well as in their psychic ways bear physical traits and traits of character copied from the other sex.
But there are also many cases of homosexuals men with a very manly physical appearance in his musculature, size, hight, sound of voice, hair and with just very little morphologic signs revealing any erotic deviation. The same can be said for homosexual women
On the contrary many male individuals can present an exterior feminine appearance and feminine psychic character without having any abnormal sexual desires, the same goes for certain females.
A part certain exterior causes that tends to favor the recourse to homosexuals practices, such as exclusive same sex communities, prohibition, deprivation of partner of the other sex, the mean cause of homosexuality is a combination of the two following factors:
1. Biologic: Physical and anatomic particularities copied from the the other sex constitution.
2. Psychologic: Roots of which may be found in childhood context
Certain homosexuals may identify themselves in the other sex to the point of adopting all the attributes to satisfy theirs feelings, in particular their style of dressing.
Others even may push their transvestism to the extreme of becoming a transexual. They convince themselves that they belong to the other sex. To the different of common homosexuals, a transexual denies their real sex.
When the inversion is total, exclusive and the individual has full homosexual constitution, therapeutic means are very limited.
Note that homosexual is not reserved to men and lesbian to women. There are masculine homosexuals and feminine homosexuals the latter gets its name “Lesbian” after the inhabitants of Lesbos (Greece) known for their homosexual morals.
The depraved or degenerated image that governs the homosexual population today result from the fact that the first time homosexuality became a media issue it was through the revelations of criminologists and the tendency of public opinion is to associate homosexuals with craziness and crimes.
But the reality is that on one hand there is no biologic or psychopathologic exam given evidence of human deficiency link to homosexuality. and on the second hand, very often we find within the homosexual population very brilliant and popular intellectuals, scientists etc.
What we cannot escape, we must embrace or at the very least avoid blind judgements
Leopold BALY March 13th, 2011