
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 1st, 2019 Wishes

On this May 1st 2019 I embrace the opportunity to extend my vibrant exhortations to the working class of the world as they celebrate today their annual May 1st, festive day.

In particular to my St-Martin/St-Maarten fellow-patriots, my wish is the awakening of our consciousness to the reality of facts that today the working class struggle on this little island goes beyond traditional social struggles,

It is not only a question of survival of our social struggle and public liberty but more our very existence as an indigenous people.

Our survival all directional depends on our capacity of resistance against a real day to day political tragedies, our annihilation, a direct attack against our very daily livelihood, against our “liberté, égalité, fraternité”, against our spirit of belonging to our ancestral homeland

We can no more afford to be complacently submissive to the state of France denial of we the people and in particular workers, liberty and freedom to public manifestations that are guaranteed by the “Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme et du citoyen” an integral part of the french constitution and also by article 9 of the “Convention européenne des droits de l'homme”

I overheard yesterday morning that the Trade Unions French/Dutch of our island were planning a unity march for this year May 1st manifestations, which from my point of view was one of the most dreamed praised worthy initiative of the mass ever to take place on this island.

This unity march was to be on the routing Galisbay parking lot to the Bellevue frontier where the French and Dutch Trade Unions were to meet and then march back to the Galisbay parking lot. Unfortunately seemingly the prefet decided that the bellevue strip of road leading to the Frontier cannot be use.

Did the Préfet had any juridic grounds to forbid this strip of road for the organization of a peaceful manifestation as the 1er May, ? The part of the itinerary the less liable to risks of violence or any sort of public insecurity?

My answer is that this is an manifest abuse of power “en fond et en forme” and for this I accuse the Trade Unions for their religious complacency and secrecy on such a flagrant violation of the people's public liberty to manifest. Such violations must be submitted to the public attention

By law the organizers must declare their manifestation to the Collectivity or the Prefecture at least 3 days in advance, giving all the details such as chosen place, time, itinerary... It is only if there is any evidence of “trouble de l'ordre public” or impossibility to adapt a police safety disposition that the prefet can forbid even partly the manifestation, and this must be done by préfet decree (arrêté)

On this 1st, May 2019 let us in one common voice French and Dutch send a clear message to our respective european State government that their duty is to commit themselves the guarantee and protection of the people's democratic and universal human rights and that we are no more going to tolerate silently the institution of a police regime in our Island, we are no more going to tolerate the arbitrary denial and restriction of our constitutional and universal human rights.