
Thursday, September 27, 2018

A translation Extract of Pres. E. MACRON JULY 3rd, 2017 SPEECH BEFORE FRANCE'S CONGRESS


What we will do for the institutions of the Republic, I wish also be done for our Territories. 
Let us not dread to establish agreements based on confidence with our Territories.
We all know how much our France is wide and how closeness to the ground is important for decision-makers.
The Jacobin centralization, too often manifest itself in the elementary fear to lost a part of its power.
Let us ward off this fear,
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, let us experiment and decentralize, this is an essential condition for the development of rural territories as well as a solution to districts in difficulty.
Let us dare enter into real girondin pacts with our Territories, based upon confidence and upon responsibility. 
A number of our Territories are waiting on this.
The Territories Conference that will soon be put in motion under the direction of the Prime Minister is answering to this concern.
It will not be solely a budgetary or financial conference but also about finding together means to adapt our politics to local realities and to grant more latitude to territorial collectivities.
And in particular, I have in mind Overseas collectivities that must have all the necessary means to succeed.
It is in this same spirit of confidence on which is built this contractual Republic that we already are making progress in the working world and in society, in given to women and men that are the most near at hand to the realities of the enterprise, greater entitlement to be able to regulate everyday life.
This not in a battle of force but in an agreed and shared framework
We all know that confidence requires greater caring than the unilateral use of authority, we also know that it produces greater results and is creative of the harmony without which civil life can become unbearable.
France has lived through enough tests and has known enough of greatness not to be reduced to infantile-people that one can delude with illusions. Every French citizen has his part of responsibility and his role to play in the conquest of the future.
By recovering the spirit of out institutions, we will be giving back to the entire nation the feeling of recovering the command of its destiny and the pride to take in hands the course of its own history.

(Note: The Jacobin parti and the Girondin parti shared the 1791-1793 revolutionary government in Paris after France's 1789 revolution, but one was to wiped out the other because of opposing political ideologies.
The Girondin parti was pleading for a federalist provincial France to the contrary the Jacobin parti was a ferocious defender of a centralized government in Paris and therefore accused the Girondin parti of federalism crime against the indivisibility of the Republic).


Ce que nous ferons pour les institutions de la République, je souhaite le faire aussi pour nos territoires.
Ne redoutons pas de nouer avec les territoires des accords de confiance.
Nous savons tous combien notre France est diverse et combien est importante l'intimité des décideurs publics avec le terrain de leur action.
La centralisation jacobine traduit trop souvent la peur élémentaire de perdre une part de son pouvoir.
Conjurons cette peur.
Osons expérimenter et déconcentrer, c'est indispensable pour les territoires ruraux comme pour les quartiers difficiles.
Osons conclure avec nos territoires de vrais pactes girondins, fondés sur la confiance et sur la responsabilité. Nombre de nos territoires l'attendent.
La conférence des territoires qui sera bientôt lancée et sera conduite par le premier ministre répond à cette préoccupation.
Il ne s'agira pas uniquement d'une conférence budgétaire ou financière, mais aussi de trouver ensemble les moyens d'adapter nos politiques aux réalités locales, et de donner davantage de latitude aux collectivités territoriales.
Et je pense en particulier aux collectivités d'Outre-mer qui doivent avoir tous les moyens pour réussir.
C'est ce même esprit de confiance qui fonde cette République contractuelle que d'ores et déjà nous faisons avancer dans la société et le monde du travail en donnant à celles et ceux qui sont au plus près de la réalité de l'entreprise une capacité plus grande à en réguler le quotidien, non dans le rapport de force, mais dans un cadre convenu et partage.
Nous savons tous que la confiance exige un soin plus grand que l'usage unilatéral de l'autorité.
Nous savons aussi qu'elle produit de plus grands résultats et qu'elle suscite cette concorde sans laquelle il n'est pas de vie civile supportable
La France a vécu assez d'épreuves et connu assez de grandeur pour n'être pas ce peuples-enfant que l'on berce d'illusions. Chaque Français a sa part de responsabilité et son rôle à jouer dans la conquête à venir.
En retrouvant l'esprit de nos institutions, nous redonnerons à la nation tout entière le sentiment de retrouver la maîtrise de son destin et la fierté de reprendre en main le fil de son histoire.

C'est la condition même de la réconciliation de notre pays.

Saturday, April 7, 2018



How many more open-hearted christians, faithful to their Church are yet remaining in St-Martin?

How many true believers in God the provider and who in spite of being materially in a daily battle to survive from poverty, yet will reserve the best of their garden food crops for their Church yearly harvest Sunday?

Some may rightfully say: They have all died out!

Not too fast! There is at least one yet alive, at 91 years old, we call him Tintin, here is he, with the biggest bunch of bananas his home garden produced and it is reserved for his Church's yearly harvest Sunday.

Unfortunately, the high wind blew down the tree before harvest Sunday and he was forced to cut it off.

This was August the 18th, 2017, his Church harvest Sunday was supposed to be the following month, September.

As a heaven-sent, I happen to pass-by that very day and was able to comfort him by giving a phone call to one of his Church's stewards, explained to him the situation and he replied that he will pass at his home to pick up the bunch of bananas, and he did.

Tintin could not be more proud and happy of his contribution to his Church's Harvest Sunday.

This is what his Ancestors always did: The best of what they reap from their garden was always reserved for their Church's yearly harvest Sunday, and in his soul and mind, his duty is to carry out this culture as long as God allows him to.

The following month, September 6th, came Hurricane Irma, Tintin's home was to suffer some severe damages, mainly the zinc covering his home roof were all lifted and blown away.

And here 8 months after, we find poor Tintin, yet homeless!

Tintin is the type of christian worshipper that will never mist out on a Sunday Church service as long as God provides him with the strength,

However, for the last 2 to 3 years his legs do not permit him long distance walk, so he has become a shut-in in matters of going to Church and having an active participation in its events or organizations.

Tintin was an active member of the Church Men's Fellowship, the Men's Choir, Class meetings etc...

Today, we find Tintin heartbrokenly alone, grieving and silently wondering: Why have I been forsaken?
All he needs is a few sheets of zinc and a togetherness helping hands to restore the roof of his home and permit him to return to his old time home, to his lifetime home, to his lifestyle environment, to his peaceful homely way of life.

Take these things away from a person of his age, 91 years old, but yet with a strong will to live his own life, is no less than consenting to his pre-death.

But Who is Tintin?

Literate in both french and english, let me copy a little note he wrote out himself : “ To those of you who haven't known me or my identity, i'm the son of MACCOW Augusta Leontine and HELLIGAR Georges, I was born in La Romana, Dominican Republic, on the 05/06/1926. I was recognized by my father at the Register Office of La Romana 
Add captionfather at the Register Office of La Romana.

My mother along with her 4 other kids and their father BROOKS Albert Pompee and myself, returned from the Dominican Republic to St-Martin on July 14th, 1935,

 I can remember that day it was around 4 PM when the boat docked in in Marigot port, we were welcome by many family and other folks that were so glad to see especially my mother, for myself and sisters and brothers, we have never felt so happy before in our life.

My mother and BROOKS Albert Pompee married here in St-Martin on July 20th, 1936 and she died on July 5th, 1979 here in St-Martin

At a time when there was a market on St-Kitts for empty beer bottles, Tintin embraced the activity of gathering empty bottles around St-Martin and monthly shipped them out to St-Kitts.

Later on he become beneficiary of a social old-age pension from the government, unfortunately this was cut in the year 2012 and was never restore to this day, in spite of his numerous plea to the Government, locally as well as at the level of Paris.

The reason his old-age pension was cut!

His french passport expired and the Collectivity that is today in charge of receiving applications for issuing and renewal of passports and national identity cards, rejected his passport renewal demand, claiming that on his birth certificate his mother name is written Leontine Augusta MACUC instead of Leontine Augusta MACCOW.

And the french government could not find a solution so that his old-age pension may be restored.

Note that french legislation relating to this social old-age allowances, normally, all a beneficiary is required is to have legal residence on french territory.

But because Tintin is a french St-Martiner he must show proof of his french nationality.

So imagine this poor man, without a wife nor children, just single, living alone, going to sleep every night not knowing from where he will get a piece of bread to survive if God should spear him an other day!

While at the same time all his neighbors, essentially foreigners are receiving monthly unemployment or social old-age allowances from the same French Government that is denying to him, an ancestral rooted french citizen the rights to be treated at the very least equally!

He is condemned to die out of hunger because of a mistake on his birth paper, and this by his own french government! Does that sounds like betrayal?

Tintin did all of his primary schooling right here on french St-Martin, from his childhood at the age of 9 years old, he relates many history with his teacher Emile CHOISY, his practically entire life he resided on french St-Martin and had enjoyed french citizenship

What democratic government, respectful of human rights, can refuse to recognize to a person 91 years of age and of french citizenship his whole life time, the rights to the simply renewal of his passport and his rights to the minimum means of living due to all legally resident of french territory by law?

They told him to return to the Dominican Republics to get his birth certificate rectified, but how can he travel without a valid passport? So he is left to die of hunger on french territory?

Out of decency sake I will not describe in detail the deplorable conditions under which he have been reduced to survived for the last 6 years,

We are all pretending to be blind before his deplorable living conditions, likely simply waiting until he dies to echo the most eulogistic praises for his faithfulness to the Church, this over his dead body!

I say Shame on we his brethren!
Shame on we his neighbors,
Shame on we his brothers in Christ and in the Church!
Shame on the french Government, local and State's Government!