
Sunday, June 17, 2012


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There are many useful plants growing practically at our doorsteps or nearby that everyone should be able to recognize and learn of their
nutritional and healing properties.

Plants have a threefold usefulness:

1- They provide foods and nourishment for man, animals, birds, fishes
2- They purify the Air and the Waters
3- Many provide agencies that are conducive to health and healing. Some assist in cleansing bloodstream and body, thus inhibiting diseases.

It has been well said: “All diseases are curable but not all patients”

To live a healthy life we ought to be observe in our diet life style the 5 fundamental nutritional supplies that are essential to our system:

1- Carbohydrates elements: (Sugar, Starch, etc from fruits, sugar cane, roots crop, pasta..). Our source of energy. Transformed into reserves of glycogen at the level of our liver. This glycogen, our reserves in energy is distributed to our organism as needed. Our blood is the most important supplicant.

2- Fats (lipids): Butter, milk, cheese, oils, eggs, cacao, chocolate,...), rich in calories and vitamins A and D., crucial to the assimilation the carbohydrates elements, fixation of the calcium, overall assure our growing .
3- Nitrogenous elements (protein): meats, eggs, lentil peas “lentilles”). Protein excess is more common than Protein deficiency. Likewise “Fats”, Nitrogenous substances because of their complexity in different acids demand much from our organism to be transformed and play their role that is to repair and protect our cells can intoxicate them and therefore contribute to sclerosis and the aging of our tissue. For this reason it is best likewise vegetarians to recourse to vegetal sources of nitrogenous elements that demand little from our system to be digested and transformed.

4- Mineral salts (Oligo-elements): These are very tiny traces of elements that circulate throughout our system and play an intra-cell catalyst role. Their presence is at the roots of the different formations of ferments that assure our assimilation and digestion. Too numerous to mention all but some: Chlorine, lead, potassium, sodium, calcium, tin, zinc, iron, nickel, copper, aluminium, chrome, phosphorus, arsenic, magnesium, iodine, sulfur, fluorine......

5- Vitamins: As we are talking Plants, let's just as example look at the vitamins contained in a few every day vegetables of our diet:

- Lettuce: vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, PP, E, K, - Minerals: Iron, potassium, phosphorus, Calcium, Iodine.

- Carrots: Vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, PP, - Minerals: Calcium, potassium, Magnesium, iodine

- Green Cabbage: Vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP, K, - Minerals: Sulphur, Calcium, iron

- Spinach: Vitamins: C, PP, K, - Minerals: Of all green vegetable it is the most rich in Iron.

- Tomatoes: Vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP, A, K, - Minerals: Different Acids

- Parsley: Vitamins: C, B1, B2, A, - Minerals: Sulphur, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, zinc, Iodine, Manganese

- Bananas: Vitamins: C, B1,B2, PP, E, - Minerals: Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Chlorine

- Aubergine (Egg-Plants): Vitamins: C (mostly in the skin), B1, B2, - Minerals: Sulphur, Potassium, Calcium

- Limes: Vitamins: C.

- Oranges: C, B1, K,


When one recourse to the use of plants in his diet or for treatment, the first thing he should bear in mind is: “Because a plant has healing properties that do not means that it cannot leads to harmful effect in the body (poisonous plants) and because a plant is poisonous do not means that it do not has healing properties”

Therefore the question is: How to extract from healing plants their active and useful ingredients? For this reason let us learn a little more about the Healing properties of plants.

It is said that the active ingredient of the same plant can variate due to the:

  • Season, the soil, the age, its vegetation atmospheric circumstances, the time and some even claim the moon it was harvested on, the means of preservation etc.

    For theses reasons it is recommended to gather the medicinal parts when the special juices within the plant are most abundant:
  • Flowers: In the morning, before are after the flowers open completely.
  • Leaves : when fully developed, harvest also in the morning.
  • Aromatic herbs: gather when in flower. Stalks: collect after fruiting.
  • Barks, roots, trunk, branch bark: Collect either the time of flowering or when the fruits are ripened.
  • Rhizomes and roots: Just before flowering

Remember that the quantity of the medicinal plant you use do not hastened or make healing more effective. If taken in disregard of the recommended dose or in excessive quantity, active ingredients can variate from being less effective to ineffective to finally harmful to the body the latter is mostly true for healing plants classified as poisonous.

The use of plants is not recommended for children under 4 years. Plants that are not classified as poisonous may be administered to children in ¼ of adult dose from 4 to 7, and by 1/3 from 7 to 14 and ½ from 14.

    The active ingredients found in plants supplies a need that can restore the body to health, they are consisted of the 5 essentials nutritional supplies above mentioned but most important we find: vitamins, mineral salts (Oligo-elements) that usually can be divided in three different classes:
    1 - Carbohydrates : Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen united in an equal proportion of water. Provides to our system the necessary energy: (Starch, cellulose, gum, different types of sugar, etc,). Carbohydrates are nitrogenous free.

    2 – Vegetal acids: Citric acids, tannic acid, gallic acid, oxalic acid etc.

    3 – Different nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous components: Glucose elements, organic iron, calcium, colorant substances, essential oils, fats, resin, latex, quinine, codeine, morphine, albumin, fibrin, etc.


    Note that aluminum vessels should never be used. Glass, stainless steel or good quality enamelware is preferable.
    Normal dosage per liter of water: 20grams if fresh, 10 grams if dried, and can be taken by 4 to 5 cups a day. The most common preparations:

    As teas and tisanes:

    a) HOT INFUSION: Place the useful parts of the plants or herbs in a container, pour over boiling water and cover the recipient and leave steep for at least 15 minutes.

    b) COLD INFUSION (MACERATION): Steep the useful parts of the plants or herbs in home temperature water for several hours

    c) DECOCTION: Usually used in the preparation of tisanes, consist of bringing to boil then simmering for 15-30 minutes (the liquid should reduce by 1/3) the useful parts of the plants for the extraction of its active ingredients. Best when drink the same day but can be kept up to 24 hours.
    Decoction is the best solution for certain hard parts of plants such as the twigs, roots, barks, rhizomes, berries, seeds only release their properties when they are gently simmered for about 30 minutes in boiling water.

    Advantages or Disadvantages between these three different means:

    - Hot infusion: Sterilization can be incomplete but all of the plant active ingredients properties are preserved
    -Decoction: Sterilization is total and the high temperature water dissolve and appropriate the alkaloids and aromatic substances of the plants but certain of the plants Oligo-elements properties can be modified or decomposed.

    -Cold infusion: The tisane can never be bacteriologically sterilized

    As Tincture:

    Put fresh herbs into a screw-top jar, pour over 30% proof alcohol (Vodka preference because tasteless). Steep in a warm place for one month. Shake the jar well every day. After a month strain and store in a dark bottle.

    As Syrup:

    Make a tea (hot infusion), steep for 20minutes, strain into a pan add sugar or honey and stir slowly over heat until syrupy.

    As Juice:

    The plant can be chopped, minced, crushed and then squeezed with a cloth to extract the juice.
    Normal dosage: 5 drops of juice in a tablespoon of water taken every 3 hours.
    Juice must be use as soon as possible after extraction because it oxidizes very quickly and its virtue decline rapidly.

    As Salads:

    Several varieties of vegetables and herbs may be combined to give an even better result.

    In Soups:

    Many herbs which grow wild can be used in soups, stews and other dishes

    As Baths: (full bath, half bath, foot-bath.... hot, tepid or cold):

    Plants and herbs can be used externally with beneficial results by making a strong concoction from them and adding it to bath water.

    Faster elimination of toxic from the body may be secured and the healing process hastened by a simultaneous recourse to internal and external use of plants and herbs.

    Normal dosage per liter of water: 30 to 50, to simmer for 20 to 40 minutes.

    As Poultices (Cataplasms):

    Fresh plants may be applied directly to or over the affected part of the body, whether it is an inflammation, a wound or a painful area.

    Poultices are made by pounding with the use of wooden utensil or macerating the fresh herbs until it is a homogenous mass that may be applied directly to the affected area or applied by means of a clean white cotton cloth.

    Cold poultices have a cooling effect on swollen or inflamed areas and produce good results in neuralgia, contusions (bruises), sprains, rheumatism and gout.

    Hot poultices may be use for painful inflammatory conditions.

    As Gargles:

    A decoction is prepared. If the throat is sore, it is best to use as hot as possible several times a day.

Monday, March 5, 2012


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A government by its taxation policy can orient in the direction it wish, the economic, urbanism & environmental, the people's choice in investment in private individual Homes or to go towards living in collective apartments blocks belonging to powerful real estate companies.

The policy of the Territorial Collectivity of St-Martin today through it's taxation policy is to dissuade the St-Martin people from building there private individual home by submitting them to exorbitant taxation on building permit and property taxes.

Building permit taxation in St-Martin is superior to 230% of the highest rated taxation of a Commune of Guadeloupe or any Commune of France. The same building permit that will cost in taxation to the most 3000,00 Euros in Guadeloupe or any commune of France is taxed to St-Martin's people building their individual Home the exorbitant sum of 7000,00 Euros.

Many St-martiners who had received a building permit, some as far back as 12 years ago are today receiving from the Territorial Collectivity executory notices in the range from 5000 to over 7000 Euros for an average individual home.

Taxation on building permit is legal what is illegal is the calculation modalities used by the Collectivity. remarking that the law allows the grant of exoneration to certain individuals taking into consideration their financial means.

The legal taxation formula is: Valeur Forfaitaire /m2 X Surface Hors Oeuvre Nette (SHON) X taux (decide par les instances locales)

Meaning: Fixed-price/per square meter multiplied by the Net outwork added up floors surface and multiplied by the rate (at the discretion of local authority)

The fixed-price/per square meter variates within 9 categories of constructions in application of the dispositions of article 1585 D.I. Of the “Code General des Impots” and the Tarif per Category is fixed by fiscal law on national level on the 1st of July of every year as a general guide.

The fixed-price per square meter can variate from one Commune to another on a lower scale than the national fixed-price and only in behalf to a specific Communes to a maximum of 10% above the National scale.

The building permit of an individual building a home as principal habitation is classified Category 5.

The taxes retained on building permit are principally:

  1. Taxe locale d'Equipement: Rate: 1% but is allowed to variate up to 5% by deliberation of the Municipal Counsel, tha latter can also decide to renounce to its collection. The funds are destined to finance infrastructure equipments.

  1. Taxe pour le Financement des Conseils d'Architecture, D'Urbanisme et d'Environnement : rate : fixed by the Conseil General (Departmental tax) maximum rate: 0,30%.

  1. Taxe Departementale Des Espaces Naturels Sensibles. Rate fixed by the Conseil General. Maximum rate: 2%. This taxe is to the discretion of the Department (Conseil General)

The “Surface Hors Oeuvre Nette” (Net Outwork floor surface ) is simply an administrative notion and therefore is less than the effective livable surface of the building. For example you may have a two level home with a surface of 112 m2 on the first floor and 100 m2 for the second floor, given a total of 212 m2 livable surface (SHOB). After deduction of areas not taken into consideration for taxable purposes, this may be reduced to a “Surface Hors Oeuvre Nette” of about 90 m2 for the first floor and 80 m2 for the second floor, total 170 m2.

Calculation modalities of the “SHON” is defined by national law “Circulaire 90/80 du 12/11/1990”

Note that by law up to 170 M2/ “Surface Hors Oeuvre Nette” you are under no obligation to go through a certified architect for your building permit application and only floors covered by a roof over 1,80 meters measured at walls height

In respect of the “Code General des Impots” such a Home falls in the Category 5 and the administrative value of the construction, basis for calculation of the different taxes will be calculated in two portions: *(Price-fixed/m2 for year 2007)

  • From 0 to 80m2 at 333 Euros*/m2 = 26 640,00 Euros,

  • and from 81 to 170 m2 at 487 Euros*/m2. = 43 343,00 Euros


Total taxable value = 69 983,00 Euros

For a commune and Department of France applying the basic rates as Saint-Martin the taxes will be as follow:

  • TLE: 69 983,00 X 3% = 2 099, 00 Euros

  • TDCAUE: 69 983,00 X 0,30% = 210,00

  • TDENS: 69 983,00 X 1% = 700,00


Total taxation = 3 009,00 Euros

By the executory notices send out by the Territorial Collectivity the taxation is calculated as follow:

The administrative value of the construction is calculated in contrary to the Code General Des Impots not by the total floors surfaces of the different floors level but by a separated price for each floor level accusing over 46% increase from the first floor to the second floor given the following calculation:

  • First Floor: 90 X 350 Euros = 31 500, 00 Euros

  • Second Floor 80 X 512 Euros = 40 960,00 Euros


    Total value 72 460,00 Euros

Calculation of the taxation by the St-Martin COM:

  • TLE (first floor) 31 500,00 X 3% = 945, 00

  • TLE (Second Floor) 40 960,00 X 3,60% = 1 475, 00

  • TDCAUE: (First floor) 31 500,00 X 0,30% = 95,00

  • TDCAUE: (Second Floor) 40 960,00 X 0,36 = 147,00

  • TDENS: (First Floor) 31 500, 00 X 1% = 315,00

  • TDENS: (Second Floor) 40 960, 00 X 1,20% = 492,00


    Total taxation to be paid = 6 938,00

A St-Martiner wishing to build a 170 square meter individual home for his family is condemned to pay just for the delivery of a building permit the sum 6 938,00 Euros in taxation fees to St-Martin Territorial Collectivity when in respect of the “Code General des Impots” he should have had to pay but 3 009,00 Euros. This means that the COM of St-Martin is applying to the St-Martin's people a rate that is over 230% superior to the legal taxation rate


The “SHON” surface is to be replaced by what will be called: “Surface de plancher” defined by articles L.112-1, R.112-1, R.112-2 of the “Code General des impots”. It is calculated by addition of the surface of all the different level floors closed and covered by a roof superior to 1,80 meter height measured by the height of the interior uncovered walls and deduction other areas such as cellar, storage-room .

The application of art. L.112-2 is precised by “Conseil d'Etat” decree.

The framework of the calculation of the taxable surface of the construction and the maximum rates applied are determined by the “Code General des Impots”, fiscal laws and decrees at national level, leaving simply to the Communes, Departments and COM the liberty to variate their policy within the legal framework.



The COM of St-Martin by deciding to calculate the taxable surfaces separately by each floor level with an abusive tarif increase from one level to another is acting in fierce illegality.